The Adolescent Brain
led by Emily Huensch
Even if you have worked with teenagers for years, they keep you guessing and on your toes. There's a good chance you've even wondered what in the world could be going on in their heads. In this forum we will explore the development of the adolescent brain, effects of the current teen culture on that development, and how these factors can shape our youth ministry to take advantage of every opportunity the teen years have to offer.
The Wonderful Opportunity of Conflict
led by Todd Erickson
How do you feel about conflict in your ministry? What do you do with those difficult people in your church? Or even those on your church staff? Let’s talk about a Biblical approach to those prickly people that moves beyond the worldly approach of avoidance, and gives us and others an opportunity to grow in gentleness, reason, and peace.
Stop, Collaborate, and Listen
led by Mary Raine Ivy
Barnabas is made up of people from many different contexts with many different perspectives. One of our greatest resources is actually each other! The hope of this forum is that sitting around a table with other ministry workers starts meaningful ministry conversations, fosters creativity, and strengthens partnerships in ministry.
What Is Sex?
led by Jay Sklar
Many today, whether inside or outside the Church, believe the Bible has a negative view of sex, seeing it as something dirty or unclean. Reading the Bible itself, however, leads to a very different picture: one that affirms the beauty and goodness of sex in its proper context while also warning of its dangers and harms when misused. This forum will explore the biblical view on sex with careful attention to key Old Testament texts.